I went on yet another cartographic adventure recently to make myself some maps of the 2018 indie hit Subnautica, and here they be.
This post may contain game spoilers. Proceed at
your own risk if you have not finished the game.
I went on yet another cartographic adventure recently to make myself some maps of the 2018 indie hit Subnautica, and here they be.
This post may contain game spoilers. Proceed at
your own risk if you have not finished the game.
What would being a denizen of late 2022 be without having a take on El*n’s Twitter takeover? And having no Twitter account left to gripe on, I’ll expound on my long neglected blog.
Continue reading Of Birds and PachydermsWhile I was wrapping up the final touches on my Ultima VI map at the end of 2016 I was already brainstorming how to go about making a map of one of my other all-time favorite RPG video games, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
If you’d like to skip ahead to see the final result, see the images at the end. Otherwise, read on to find out how it was made!